Sabtu, 18 Januari 2025
  • Jumat, 23 Februari 2024 23:59:00

    Viral Video Nasabah Melahirkan Saat Antre, Disarankan Diberi Nama BRItania atau BRIliangga

    Ibu hamil tersebut melahirkan di salah satu bank yang berada di Kabupaten Subang. Kala itu, dirinya sedang mengantre untuk melakukan transaksi.
  • Jumat, 24 Juni 2022 14:31:00

    Tempat Hiburan Malam Mendadak Tutup Lebih Cepat, Diduga Informasi Razia Bocor

    Sejumlah tempat hiburan malam mendadak tutup lebih cepat beberapa hari ini, hal itu dikarenakan rutinnya razia yang dilakukan Satpol PP dan diduga informasi razia rutin tersebut sudah diketahui terlebih dahulu oleh pengusaha hiburan malam
  • Rabu, 22 Juni 2022 14:05:00

    Izin Kurang, Pub Kujira Dilarang Buka

    Tim Terpadu Pemerintah Kota Dumai yang terdiri dari unsur Dinas Pariwisata, Satpol PP, DPMPTSP dan Dinas Perdagangan, Dipimpin oleh Kepala Dinas Kepemudaan, Olahraga dan Pariwisata (Diskopar) Dumai, R. Dona Fitri Illahi, SKM, M.Si dengan tegas meminta K
  • Minggu, 19 Juni 2022 22:28:00

    LLMB Bakal Surati Pemko, Polres Dan DPRD Dumai, Ini Penyebabnya !!!

    Saat dihubungi media Poros riau. com, minggu ( 19/06/22), Ketua LLMB kota Dumai, Panglimo Danial Effendi mengatakan akan segera menyurati pihak - pihak terkait menyoal semakin marak dan membandelnya tempat hiburan malam dikota Dumai saat ini.
  • Kamis, 16 Juni 2022 21:32:00

    Reviva PUB & KTV Pendatang Baru Yang Bandel

    Jedak - jeduk dentuman house musik yang dimainkan DJ (Disk Jockey) reviva PUB & KTV terus terdengar hingga pukul 02.00 wib dini hari.
  • Kamis, 16 Juni 2022 08:32:00

    Kelanjutan Kasus Dugaan Korupsi Bansos Fakir Miskin Dan Anak Cacat Di Siak, Pejabat Kecamatan Kandis Diperiksa Kejati Riau

    Kejaksaan Tinggi Riau kembali memeriksa pejabat kecamatan di Kabupaten Siak terkait kasus dugaan korupsi dana bantuan sosial (bansos) untuk fakir miskin dan anak cacat tahun anggaran 2014-2019. Kali ini, giliran Kepala Seksi Kesejahteraan Sosial Kecamatan
  • Minggu, 15 Desember 2019 16:42:00

    Ikan Penis Gegerkan Pantai California

    Ikan penis tersebut terlihat di Pantai Drake, yang terletak 80 km dari San Fransisco. Ikan penis sering juga disebut sebagai 'penjaga penginapan yang gemuk (fat innkeeper)'.
  • Sabtu, 01 Juni 2019 16:45:00

    Samsung launches Smart TV Trade-In initiative in Singapore

    "At Samsung, we go further to enhance our consumers' experience. With the Smart TV Trade-In initiative, we are making it easier than ever for consumers to own and enjoy our latest TV innovations," said Steven Koh, Director, Consumer Electro
  • Sabtu, 01 Juni 2019 16:38:00

    Carrie Lam to Deliver Keynote at Asian University for Women Fundraising Gala Supporting a New Generation of Female Change-makers

    AUW graduates from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Palestine, Nepal and Vietnam will share their stories of transformation sparked by an opportunity at AUW. The Founder of AUW Kamal Ahmad will also be in attendance to share his gratitu
  • Sabtu, 01 Juni 2019 16:36:00

    Charles Chen Yidan shines a bright light on the power of education in unlocking endless possibilities at the inaugural SMU Visionary Series lecture

    The auditorium in SMU was packed with 300 people for the inaugural lecture, where it saw Charles CHEN Yidan, founder of Yidan Prize, gave a talk titled "Zero to Infinity: How Education Unlocks Endless Possibilities."
  • Sabtu, 01 Juni 2019 16:34:00

    MetLife Hong Kong Receives Three Accolades at the Bloomberg Businessweek Financial Institution Awards 2019

    Ms. Eva Wong, General Manager of MetLife Hong Kong, said, "We are very honored that our efforts and achievements in product and service excellence, as well as digital innovation, have been recognized at this esteemed event. MetLife Hong Kong is commi
  • Sabtu, 01 Juni 2019 16:31:00

    #KPopTwitter sets new record for #TwitterBestFandom category during 14th Annual Soompi Awards

    In a fresh turn of events, #TeamEXO (@weareoneEXO) emerged as the new winner for the #TwitterBestFandom category as they received the most vote Tweets this year! This is the first time that EXO has won this annual popularity award, showcasing the power o
  • Sabtu, 01 Juni 2019 16:28:00

    Prudential and Tictrac in partnership to provide personalised digital wellness services across Asia

    Prudential is a leading Asian life insurer and asset manager with over 15 million customers and £151 billion in assets under management in the region.
  • Sabtu, 01 Juni 2019 16:25:00

    Citi Hong Kong Invests in Renewable Energy Credits

    The purchase of RECs is part of Citi's Sustainable Progress Strategy to meet its 2020 environmental footprint goal to become carbon neutral and use 100 percent renewable energy to power Citi's global energy needs across its 7,500 facilities. In
  • Kamis, 30 Mei 2019 14:47:00

    FSMOne To Offer Round-The-Clock, 24/7 Bonds Trading Through Their In-House Marketplace, FSMOne Bond Express

    This initiative comes on the back of FSMOne's launch of retail bonds in early April 2019 in line with the Securities Commission Malaysia's (SC) new bond seasoning framework. iFAST Capital is the first bonds broker to enable investors to transact
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